Tuesday 17 October 2017

Ramen ice cool


Let’s start by saying, unanimously, we LOVE fire noodles, the flavours and heat just dance on the tongue with cleets. We were all pretty excited to give these guys a whirl and we wanted to do this more by the book and create them as the package instructed. Kam got to cooking first thing in the morning and stored in the fridge ready to create some havoc come lunch time.

The noodle block was a slight shade of red; different than the others.
When lunch rolled around, we were quick to the fridge to collect the tasty treats, The twist on eating these cold was truly a masterful deception. These were truly delicious for the first few mouthfuls I could taste. It was cool in the mouth, sweet on the tongue hot on the lips just a big clusterfuck of what/how to feel.

Well…it looks like fire noodles!
These took their time in removing the sheep costume to reveal the true beast that lied beneath, I wasn’t sweating, I didn’t feel warm from it, my mouth just stung, A LOT. Spice hiccups hit me at the 1/4 mark and after that point the heat got more and more intense with increasingly numb lips and burning tongue.
It has been quite some time since the fire noodles, the journey is grand and we have grown along the way, I feel these had slightly less heat to them than the fire noodles but perhaps we have grown, perhaps our tolerances have ramped up. Who knows? All I know is that you should tread carefully with these guys.
Heat Level

Taste Level


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